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Original E.T. figurine sold for $2.6 million at auction

The original animatronic figure of E.T the alien, used in Steven Spielberg's eponymous film, found a buyer this weekend for $2.6 million, according to the organizers of the sale.

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100 times more gory than the previous ones": Scream 6 promises to be bloody

The cult horror film returns in 2023 and the blood will flow freely, says Melissa Barrera. The headliner of the fifth opus reprises her role and teases the sixth.

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Harry blames himself for the end of Meghan's relationship with her father Thomas Markle

Their meeting on Instagram then their love story under the relentless eye of the paparazzi: Harry and Meghan reveal their "truth" in a documentary, and especially settle their accounts with the British tabloids, accused of "destroying" them as they had done with Diana.

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13 years later, Avatar, king of the box office, returns to theaters with great ambitions.

Eva Deschamps / December 8, 2022 Avatar 2" arrives in theaters on Wednesday with a triple ambition: to surpass the first opus, the biggest success in the history of the world box office, to deny the death of cinema in theaters and to create a saga as mythical as "Star Wars". Thirteen years after "Avatar", which approached three billion euros in revenue, "Avatar: The Water Way" takes the path of the star Pandora, light years from Earth, for a science fiction fable with an ecological tone. The first one marked a decisive step in the realism of digital images and, once again, the sets, the richness of the universes and the precision of the images, including the digital rendering of...

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Wednesday beats a record audience on Netflix: how to explain the success of the series?

The series "Wednesday", directed by Tim Burton, is a huge success on Netflix. The drama about the eldest of the Addams Family has broken Stranger Things' audience record by becoming the most viewed English-language series in its first week of broadcast.

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