Good news for Disney fans: "The Snow Queen is back

Eva Deschamps / February 9, 2023

It's official: Disney will produce a third film in the "Snow Queen » saga
Disney has made official the development of a third part to "The Snow Queen". Elsa and Anna will be back in theaters.
The first film was released in 2013 and cracked the screen, becoming the highest-grossing animated film in history with nearly $1.3 billion worldwide. "The Snow Queen" also gleaned the Oscar for Best Animated Feature in 2014 before releasing a second installment in 2019.
The announcement of a third opus for "The Snow Queen" comes in a context of crisis with restructuring for Disney. Indeed, for the first time in its history, the company has announced the layoff of 7000 people. To cope with this news, Disney relies on its winning franchises. In addition to the Snow Queen, Zootopie and Toy Story will also make their return.

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