Graphic footage shows woman mauled by pit bull trying to escape by dragging herself into lift

Sylvie Claire / Maarch 26, 2022

The graphic footage shows the unidentified Colombian woman dragging herself into a lift as the dog continues to attack her. The 4-year-old black pit bull can be seen violently shaking its head with jaws latched on to her arm. The woman eventually manages to sit up and starts slamming the buttons with her blood-soaked hand.
Security camera footage has captured a 25-year-old woman’s desperate attempt to escape a brutal mauling by her own pet. The unidentified Colombian woman was tying her shoelaces in her apartment in the Prados district of Cúcuta when her pit bull attacked out of nowhere, according to local news outlet La Opinion.
The graphic footage shows the lady dragging herself into a lift as the dog continues to attack her. The 4-year-old black pit bull can be seen violently shaking its head with jaws latched on to her arm. 
Trying to break free from the strong hold of her dog, the woman eventually manages to sit up and starts slamming the buttons with her blood-soaked hand.
Her reaction was to crawl to the door and go out into the hallway, hoping that some neighbour would help her, police sources told the outlet.
When the animal jumped on her, the only thing she thought was that if she stayed on the 5th floor, no one was going to rescue her. The Prados resident got herself out into the corridor to escape the savage attack of her pit bull who did not have a muzzle on it. She then shimmied on her back into the elevator and somehow pressed the button for the first floor.
Major Arley Dávila of the Metropolitan Police of Cúcuta indicated that the dog stopped attacking her after reaching the first floor. The woman was eventually helped by a relative and quickly transferred to a hospital as she had received serious injuries to different parts of her body, especially her fingers.
She has fractures in two fingers of her right hand, a phalanx on her left, said the police officer. She is still hospitalised and pending transfer to a clinic for a medical procedure. Other residents of the apartment say the dog never showed any signs of aggression in the four months it had lived there and the owner always took him for walks wearing a muzzle.
Authorities investigated the dog’s living conditions and sent it to the Zoonosis Center of the Health Secretariat of Cucuta on Tuesday for behavioural analysis.

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