USA: a first Trudeau-Biden meeting scheduled for next month

 Steph Deschamps / January 24, 2021


Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden had a  warm phone conversation on Friday during which they decided to meet next month announced the Canadian Prime Minister's office


In a 30-minute conversation, the new US President and Mr. Trudeau agreed to meet next month to advance the important work of renewing the deep and lasting friendship between Canada and the United States. United States , according to a statement. The modalities of this bilateral meeting - virtual or face-to-face - as well as the date, remain to be specified.


The two men addressed a whole series of subjects such as the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, which has led to the closure of the border between the two countries since last March, the defense of the environment or the extraordinary and very close economic relationship. Between the two neighbors. MM. Trudeau and Biden also discussed the first point of contention between the two countries: the decision of the new US president to block the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline backed by Ottawa but denounced by Washington for its environmental impact.

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