Julie-Anne Poulin
Julie-Anne Poulin, is a Canadian entrepreneur and founder of "PIMP TA MARQUE"
Creating projects, producing and promoting innovative people, is her mission.
She loves to promote talented people in all spheres of creation. His passion for culture, arts and digital technologies is developed.
Pianist and sound designer, she created her record “Noël sur le bout des doigts”, and produced radio projects, including “Cultur'A” which promotes artists of all categories and “Au coeur du rythme” which brings people together creative around current themes. At the same time, she obtained her bachelor's degree in television at UQÀM's Media School where she met Jean Tourangeau, her mentor. For more than 15 years, the multi-channel producer (visual art, television, digital, installations) and renowned innovator has led her to become aware of his identity and his unlimited potential. She did her school in events of great fame. She learns the basics of cultural mediation, the production of major events, the importance of cultural funding and being surrounded by a multidisciplinary team of great talent in order to support the vision of a flagship project.
Entrepreneurship attracts her the most. At the end of her DESS in cultural organization management completed at HEC MONTRÉAL, she launched ÜCréation with dynamism and enthusiasm, an NPO that promotes artists from various fields.
The following year, she created Poulin Communications Inc. which promises companies, entrepreneurs and artists to enhance their brand through innovative digital strategies. PIMP TA MARQUE brand takes off with a high-caliber podcast. She receives internationally renowned entrepreneurs as well as idea-makers and innovative creators.
Today, she offers interested businesses a chance to grow. Its digital strategies and award-winning and personalized support lead its partners to reflect on the current state of their business, brand or projects. She is called upon to create light and develop / co-produce projects that are at the same time artistic, digital and human. Bringing together the arts, creation, people who shine through their history and digital technology, such is his growing passion. His life goal: to promote creative intelligence.