Ian Paa Profile, Ian Paa Pictures, Ian Paa Bloggers | Net Worth Space
Ian Paa Profile, Ian Paa Pictures, Ian Paa Bloggers, Net Worth Space Publishers | Net Worth Space

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Net Worth Space Staff | Publisher

Ian Paa or more known as "Kenny" online, is a Filipino/Hawai'ian freelance writer, digital social media and content creator.


Avid mobile game enthusiast and streamer, as well as a Muay Thai afficionado, currently exploring and traveling South East Asia.

He has self published a Muay Thai instructional and enjoys writing about martial arts, fitness blogs and articles, as well as creating media content for his growing YouTube channel.

Ian Paa has worked across all fields, from being a Audio Visual Technician, to working alongside United States military personnel as a fitness instructor.

He moved to South East Asia a year ago to pursue his passion of writing and traveling and has not looked back ever since, experiencing new cultures and growing his online portfolio.

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