The U.S. Congress passes a budget bill with 45 billion for Ukraine

Eva Deschamps / December 24, 2022

The U.S. Congress passed a massive $1.7 trillion federal services appropriations bill on Friday, including $45 billion for Ukraine, in a final vote in the House of Representatives.
After the Senate's vote on Thursday, this vote by 225 to 201 in the House of Representatives avoids the paralysis of the U.S. federal administration (the famous "shutdown"), which could have occurred as early as Friday evening. President Joe Biden has yet to sign the bill into law.
"This bill is good for our economy, our competitiveness and our people - and I will sign it as soon as it reaches my desk," he reacted Friday in a statement.
"This bill is an essential piece of legislation not only to fund the state, pay our public servants, but also to show that the American state works," said House Democratic leader Steny Hoyer before the vote.
This budget is intended to finance the operation of the U.S. federal government - law enforcement, diplomacy, the armed forces, economic policy, etc. - until September 2023. - until September 2023.
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