In lack of money, VMSO suspends the works of the future Guertin

Work on the future Guertin arena in the Cité sector is suspended until further notice.  The organization Vision multisports Outaouais (VMSO) is currently no longer able to guarantee that all of the funds necessary to complete the work on the multi-ice complex over $ 100 million.



  The information fell on Tuesday morning, while the VMSO board of directors was still in an emergency meeting.  A letter sent by the JPL company to all the subcontractors on the site, of which Le Droit has obtained a copy, clearly sets out the situation.  Faced with a shortfall of several million dollars in the project, the main creator of VMSO, Desjardins Business, decided to stop disbursing the amounts granted by his loan of $ 20 million until the situation is resolved.


  In an email exchange of which we obtained a copy, the JPL company, which acts as site manager in the project, advised the subcontractors that to protect its claims, it is taking steps to deposit a legal mortgage on the completed building at 60  % from next week.  All subcontractors were invited to pick up their tools and leave the site until further notice.

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