US presidential 2020: Melania Trump claims four more years for Donald and praises his management in the face of the terrible pandemic of Covid-19

Sylvie Claire / August 26, 2020


"We need my husband to be our president for four more years." Melania Trump praised "Donald" on Tuesday, in particular praising his response to the "terrible pandemic" of Covid-19.


“He's not a traditional politician. He doesn't just talk, he gets results, ”said the First Lady of the United States, repeatedly criticizing the attitude of the media, echoing repeated attacks by the American president.


On the second day of a Republican convention where the new coronavirus was rarely mentioned, the ex-model of Slovenian origin, 50, made her difference by highlighting the devastation caused by the virus.


"Since March, our lives have radically changed (...) I know a lot of people are worried, I want you to know that you are not alone", she said from the gardens of the White House . Promising that "Donald" would do everything possible to take care of all concerned, she denounced the "attacks" of the Democratic camp and the "gossip" conveyed by the media.


Ten weeks before the presidential election, the speech of Donald Trump's third wife was all the more expected as she was far behind since the start of the campaign.


In this speech, read diligently on the two telepromptors placed in front of her, the "First Lady" helped to convey a less anxiety-provoking message than that conveyed so far by the "Grand Old Party ».


The Republican billionaire’s team announced a “very upbeat and joyful” convention. But it is by evoking the possible "death of the American dream" if Joe Biden wins that the American president officially launched his re-election campaign on Monday.


At the top of the national polls, beaten by a shorter lead in many key states, Donald Trump was officially invested Monday by his party in Charlotte, North Carolina, and promised another victory.


The billionaire will officially accept his party's nomination Thursday, and for the second time, during a speech in the gardens of the White House.

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