War in Ukraine: Russians guilty of war crimes in Kiev and Kharkiv regions, according to Human Rights Watch

Eva Deschamps / April 3, 2022

The NGO Human Rights Watch has documented several cases of violations of the laws of war by Russian military forces against civilians in the occupied Ukrainian areas of Kiev, Kharkiv and Chernihiv, it said Sunday in a statement.
It refers to repeated rapes, summary executions, and other violence and threats against civilians between February 27 and March 14.
The NGO can also confirm cases of spoliation of civilian property by the Russian military.
The cases we have documented demonstrate unspeakable and deliberate cruelty and violence against Ukrainian civilians, said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. Rapes, murders, and other acts of violence against people held by Russian forces should be investigated as alleged war crimes.
As a reminder, the laws of war prohibit intentional killing, rape and other sexual violence, torture and inhumane treatment of captured combatants and civilians in detention. Looting and pillaging are also prohibited. Anyone who deliberately orders or commits such acts, or aids and abets them, is responsible for war crimes.
Russia has an international legal obligation to impartially investigate alleged war crimes committed by its soldiers, concluded Hugh Williamson.
The NGO had also previously pointed to possible war crimes by Ukrainian forces against Russian prisoners.
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