War in Ukraine: Kiev shocked by the words of Emmanuel Macron

Eva Deschamps / June 5, 2022

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy Dmytro Kouleba blasted Saturday the calls of French President Emmanuel Macron not to humiliate Russia, saying that this position could only humiliate France.
The calls to avoid humiliating Russia can only humiliate France or any other country. For it is Russia that humiliates itself. We would all do better to focus on putting Russia in its place. This will bring peace and save lives, Kouleba said in a tweet.
The French president repeated on Friday that it was necessary not to humiliate Russia - words very badly perceived in Eastern Europe - so that the day when the fighting stops, we can build a way out through diplomatic channels.
The French president is one of the few international leaders trying to maintain a dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
France is providing financial and military support to Ukraine, but Emmanuel Macron has not yet visited Kiev while many of his European counterparts have already done so. 
Pressed to go to Ukraine, the French head of state, who holds the rotating presidency of the European Union until June 30, replied Friday: Today, I do not exclude anything.


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