Joel Cauchi, 40, is the perpetrator of the terrible knife attack that killed 6 people in Sydney: "The assailant suffered from mental health problems

Sylvie Claire / April 14, 2024

The knife attack that left six people dead and several injured in a Sydney shopping mall on Saturday was perpetrated by a 40-year-old mentally ill man, with no evidence to suggest a possible terrorist motive, according to Australian police.
"At this stage, we have no evidence, information, proof or intelligence to suggest any particular motivation, ideology or otherwise" to his act, explained New South Wales State Police Assistant Commissioner Anthony Cooke.
On the other hand, "we know that the assailant suffered from mental health problems", he added, specifying that the man, known to the police, had come from the northeastern state of Queensland.
The assailant, Joel Cauchi, was chased down and shot by a policewoman hailed for her heroism.
Karen Webb, another NSW State Police official, reported that five women, including Ashlee who lost her life trying to protect her baby, and one man were killed.

Twelve people were taken to hospital, including a 9-month-old baby in "serious but stable" condition, according to the police. His mother succumbed to her injuries.
The tragedy occurred in the vast Westfield Bondi Junction shopping complex, which was busy on Saturday afternoon.
The assailant appears to have acted alone, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told a news conference. "For all of us tonight, the appalling scenes at Bondi Junction are beyond words and understanding," he said.
Mr. Albanese paid tribute to the bravery of the bystanders who helped each other, and to the policewoman who intervened, braving the danger. "She is certainly a hero. She undoubtedly saved lives by doing so," he said.
This type of attack is extremely rare in Australia. In November 2018, a knife-wielding individual had killed one person and injured two others on a Melbourne street before being shot dead by police. The crime had been claimed by the Islamic State (EI) group.
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