The French government wants to register immigrants threatened with deportation in the wanted persons file.

Sylvie Claire / November 2, 2022

The government wants to register all immigrants subject to an "obligation to leave French territory" in the "file of wanted persons", said Gérald Darmanin, detailing the main measures of the future law on immigration.


The government wants to register all immigrants subject to an "obligation to leave French territory" in the "file of wanted persons," Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said Wednesday, detailing in an interview with Le Monde the main measures of the future law on immigration.


"Work must once again become a factor of integration" for immigrants, said Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt in the same interview, who praised the "balance" of the bill by advocating for the creation of a residence permit for "occupations in demand" in order to encourage the recruitment of foreign workers in sectors that are struggling to find labor.


From now on, we will register all OQTFs in the wanted persons file, the FPR. It is not a question of re-establishing the offence of illegal residence but of being able to note that the person is leaving (...) and thus to count all the departures of foreigners," explained to the daily the Minister of the Interior, whose government is criticized, notably by the far right, for the low rate of execution of these measures.


"First of all, nearly 50% of OQTFs are subject to appeals that suspend them," the minister defended, reaffirming that he wanted to "greatly simplify procedures" by moving "from twelve to four categories of appeal" possible.


The Minister of the Interior also wants to put an end to the "public order reserves" that "prevent the removal of people who arrived in France before the age of 13".


"If I had to summarize, I would say that from now on we must be bad to the bad guys and good to the good guys," he continued.


As part of the bill, which is to be preceded by a parliamentary debate, the government will seek this "balance" by facilitating the professional integration of immigrant workers, said Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt, in the same interview.


And there is progress to be made, since in the first half of the year, when the unemployment rate was 7.5%, the rate for immigrant workers was 13%. Work must once again become a factor of integration and emancipation," he said.


For example, Olivier Dussopt wants to put an end - under certain conditions - to the waiting period that prevents asylum seekers from working during their first six months in France.


The Minister of Labor also advocates the creation of a "shortage of jobs" residence permit, to recruit in sectors that are struggling to find workers.


Professional organizations are telling us that they need us to facilitate the recruitment of foreigners. We are offering them solutions with this bill," he added.

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