A tax audit turns into a nightmare in France: a junk dealer kidnaps two tax inspectors, kills one, then commits suicide

Sylvie Claire / November 22, 2022

A 43-year-old tax agent was killed Tuesday after being kidnapped with a colleague as part of a tax audit at a junk shop in Bullecourt (Pas-de-Calais), who then took his own life. The victim, a senior tax inspector, was found dead "probably as a result of stab wounds," said the prosecutor's office in Arras in a statement. "The inspector who accompanied him, very shocked, was taken care of by the emergency services. Her life is not in danger," it added. 
The two of them "were carrying out an intervention at home to check the accounts" of the company of a 46-year-old man, who then sequestered and tied them up, the statement said. "The respondent would have killed himself with a firearm," according to the prosecutor. "This man was simply doing his job (...) Today, he has not returned. He was killed in the context of this tax audit," said the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, who spoke in mid-evening before the Senate.
The victim was head of brigade verification in the Pas-de-Calais, he said. According to a source close to the investigation, the inspector who accompanied him was found at the home of the broker "tied to a chair and deeply shocked. "At the time of arrival of the police, the two men were dead," said a second source close to the investigation, stressing that the police had been alerted shortly after 18H00 "by a witness. The research section of the gendarmerie of Hauts-de-France was seized in the context of a flagrante delicto investigation for murder.
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