Coronavirus - In Brazil, a quintuple vaccine against Covid-19

Steph Deschamps / August 21, 2021

Pfizer, Coronavac or AstraZeneca, he had it all, or almost. A resident of Rio de Janeiro will have to explain to the health authorities how he was able to receive five doses of vaccine against Covid-19 in ten weeks.
The municipality of Rio said Friday in a letter to AFP that the health authorities would contact the quintuple vaccinated so that he explains how he could receive these injections in several vaccination centers. Between May 12 and July 21, the man received two doses of Pfizer vaccine, two of CoronaVac and one of AstraZeneca, according to TV Globo, which was able to see the digital log of vaccination of this resident of the western zone of Rio. It happened that he was inoculated with two doses 13 days apart. It was when he tried to receive a 6th dose, on August 16, that he was unmasked. The municipality explained that the man had gone to three different vaccination centers and had taken advantage of computer breakdowns, according to the news site G1. The Secretariat of Health said it had been able to identify the man in its records and that it would take the necessary measures.
To be vaccinated, Brazilians must be in the age range corresponding to the announced schedule, present an identity document and a certificate of injection of the first dose before receiving the second. Vaccination centers do not offer a choice between different vaccines. The city of Rio has been hit hard by the coronavirus and has had to suspend the vaccination of its population several times due to a shortage of vaccines. But hundreds of cases of fraud have been reported, with people running to vaccination centers in states like Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro or Minas Gerais to receive the vaccine of their choice or a 3rd dose. Brazil is the second most bereaved country after the United States with more than 570,000 deaths from Covid-19. But in Brazil, contrary to many other countries, the adherence of the population to the vaccination is very high.
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