Robert Pattinson tested positive for coronavirus: filming of The Batman suspended

Steph Deschamps / September 4, 2020


A few days after resuming production of the film "The Batman", filming is suspended again. And for good reason: Robert Pattison, who plays the role of the superhero, has tested positive for the coronavirus.


According to Vanity Fair, the 34-year-old actor contracted the virus just days after resuming filming of "The Batman. »


In a statement, Warner Bros. said "a member of the production tested positive for Covid-19," but other sources later claimed it was actor Robert Pattinson.


"We have been told to pull out until further notice and we don't plan to resume filming for at least two weeks," said a member of the film crew.


This disruption will cost Warner Bros hundreds of thousands of pounds and may even delay the film's release. Director Matt Reeves has three months to complete the film, which is slated for theatrical release in October 2021.

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