Drama in Erquelinnes: a mother kills two of her young children, a third in serious condition, then tries to commit suicide

Sylvie Claire / June 30, 2020


A drama occurred in a house located in Hante-Wiheries, in the entity of Erquelinnes. In place of the Ball Game. Two children died and a third is in serious condition. According to the first elements of the investigation, the mother carried the mortal gestures.


A mother committed an infanticide on two of her children Tuesday at the rue du Jeu de Balle in Hantes-Wihéries (Erquelinnes), said David Lavaux, mayor of Erquelinnes (IC). A third child is in critical condition.


The two young victims were just 22 months and 7 years old. The third child, aged 8, is in serious condition.


The mother, for her part, has taken a substantial number of the drugs and is receiving care herself. "The mother is in critical condition," said the bourgmestre. 


Credit : Sudinfo

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