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A Russian Soyuz rescue vessel arrived at the International Space Station

A Russian Soyuz spacecraft docked on Saturday night to the International Space Station in order to serve, next September, as a vehicle for the return to Earth of two Russian cosmonauts and an American astronaut, whose initial spacecraft was damaged.

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The Orion spacecraft back on Earth after the Artemis 1 lunar mission

Steph Deschamps / December 12, 2022 The Nasa Orion spacecraft landed in the Pacific Ocean at the end of the Artemis 1 mission, which in a little more than 25 days went around the Moon, in order to prepare the return of humans to its surface in the coming years. The capsule, which had no astronauts on board for this test flight, re-entered the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of about 40,000 km / h, and was then slowed down in its dizzying descent by a series of parachutes, according to live images from NASA. The spacecraft must now be recovered and placed aboard a U.S. Navy ship, off the Mexican island of Guadalupe.

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Artemis has finally taken off: the most powerful rocket in the world is heading for the moon

The most powerful rocket of the world, SLS, took off Wednesday for the first time since Florida, for a mission marking the big beginning of the American program of return on the Moon, Artemis, noted a journalist of the AFP on the spot.

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The curse continues for the Artemis 1 space mission: the launch of the Nasa rocket for the Moon is postponed again

The liftoff of Nasa's new rocket to the Moon has been postponed again, to Wednesday, November 16at the earliest, because of the storm Nicole that is expected to hit Florida in the middle of the week, Nasa announced Tuesday.

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A Nasa spacecraft ready to crash into an asteroid to deflect its trajectory.

Steph Deschamps / September 23, 2022 A mission worthy of a science fiction movie. NASA will attempt, for the first time in the world, to divert the trajectory of an asteroid by projecting a kamikaze ship onto it. A test of "planetary defense", which must allow to better protect humanity against a possible future threat. The Dart mission took off in November from California. After ten months of travel, the spacecraft is scheduled to hit the asteroid Dimorphos at 23:14 GMT on Monday, September 26 (01:14 French time), at a speed of over 20,000 km / h. The spacecraft is no bigger than a car, and its target is about 160 meters in diameter (half the height of the Eiffel...

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