Donald Trump wants to change an American law for the well-being of ... his hair: My hair must be perfect

Sylvie Claire / August 15, 2020

Hair is sacred to the American president …

When it comes to coming out of wacky ideas, you can count on Donald Trump! In the midst of the presidential campaign which will take place on November 3, the President of the United States would like to modify a law for the well-being ... of his hair!

It seems that it is starting to smell the scorch for Donald Trump, who risks losing his place as President of the United States very soon. He who thought he could push back the date of the vote to try to save time by questioning the health crisis, could not be reelected.

In an attempt to "conquer" the hearts of the American people a second time, Melania Trump's husband is doing everything possible, until he proposes things bordering on the absurd. This Thursday, August 13, the Trump administration attacked a law regarding water pressure. So far, nothing abnormal ... But when Trump mentioned the reason, it was very laughable. "You take a shower, the water doesn't come out. You wash your hands, the water does not come out. So what are you doing? Do you stay there longer or take a longer shower? Because my hair, I do not know about you, but it must be perfect, “said the president last July, according to information from The Guardian. Here is good news for Americans if Donald Trump were to be elected again!

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