Hundreds of Harry Potter fans celebrated the start of the Hogwarts school year at King's Cross Station

Steph Deschamps / September 2, 2022

Hundreds of Harry Potter fans celebrated the start of the new school year at the famous Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on Thursday at King's Cross Station.
Wearing capes, scarves and wands, they gathered in the station concourse to watch the fictional departure of the train from Platform 9 3/4, which also exists only in the imagination. They were entertained by actors from the West End play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, who performed a wand dance.
King's Cross is a popular destination for Potter fans. In the stories, Harry and his friends travel from there by steam train to the magical world of Hogwarts. But you can only reach the right platform if you fearlessly hit a wall with your luggage cart, which turns out to be a hidden entrance when you hit it.
In the real King's Cross station, a cart that has apparently already half disappeared into the walls serves as a popular photo opportunity.

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