Crazy driver plows into crowd in China and kills at least 5 people before crashing and throwing money

Eva Deschamps / January 13, 2023

A man drove his vehicle into pedestrians on Wednesday in the southern Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou, killing at least five people and injuring 13, local police said.
The tragedy, the cause of which is currently unknown, occurred at 17:25 near a crossroads of the city, populated by 19 million people and major urban and manufacturing center of the country. "The driver (...) has been detained by police and the accident is currently under further investigation," Guangzhou police said on Chinese social network Weibo.
The suspect is a 22-year-old man from another city in the same Guangdong province. Chinese media published images showing dead or injured people lying on the ground, as well as the suspect throwing handfuls of banknotes in the air after the incident before being arrested.
Road accidents remain common in China. Indiscriminate car and knife assaults are also common in the country. They are often carried out out of spite, or out of revenge against society or an institution.

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