Captured, a Russian soldier in tears apologizes to Ukrainians: he calls the invasion a terrible mistake

Sylvie Claire / March 15, 2022

Russian soldiers taken prisoner denounced the Russian invasion of Ukraine, calling it a terrible mistake at a press conference of the Interfax-Ukraine agency, reports the DailyMail. Galkin Sergey Alekseevich, 34, broke down in tears as he apologized: I ask forgiveness to myself, to my unit, to every home, every street, every Ukrainian citizen, old people, women, children for our invasion of these lands, he said. At his side, his fellow soldiers, six pilots, defeated, held their heads in their hands.
With great gravity, I apologize for this treacherous invasion, the Russian soldier continued. To the generals of our military units, I would like to say one thing - that they acted in a cowardly manner, that they acted treacherously towards us. The man from Roschchinsky, Russia, then begged Putin to stop sending soldiers.
I would like to ask all regiments of the Russian army to lay down their arms, he added.
Maksim Chernik, another captured Russian serviceman, expressed his terrible feeling after realizing his mistake. Relations must improve. It will take more than a year. It will take decades, maybe centuries. I just don't want to exist after what is happening here, he confided.
The video was shared just days after a Russian soldier captured by Ukraine claimed that Vladimir Putin has death squads that kill deserters.

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