The drama narrowly avoided in Grenoble: two children aged 3 and 10 throw themselves into the void to escape the flames

Steph Deschamps / July 22, 2020

The two children aged 3 and 10 are unharmed. The images are impressive.

In Grenoble, two children aged 3 and 10 miraculously escaped a fire on Tuesday, July 21, by jumping a dozen meters into the arms of adults below their apartment building.

A video of the scene, filmed from another building in the residence and broadcast by the regional daily Le Dauphiné Libéré, shows their fall, impressive, from the third floor of a building whose first level, raised by pillars, already dominates the ground of several meters.

As thick black smoke emerges from the windows of the apartment, and the inhabitants cry out in fright, we first see the oldest child hanging the youngest in the air, holding him by his clothes, before letting go. At the foot of the facade, witnesses recover him, bending under his weight and shortly after, the other child jumps into their arms.

According to firefighters, both are miraculously unharmed. They were hospitalized only for inhaling fumes, like 17 other inconvenienced people in the building.

On the other hand, among the witnesses who rescued them, two men were injured and taken to hospital on suspicion of a broken forearm, added the emergency services.

It was not yet known what caused the fire and where the parents were at the time of the incident.

Credit : Sudinfo

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