Sharon Stone fills role on Joe Biden's transition team

Steph Deschamps / November 26, 2020

Actress Sharon Stone is thrilled. She revealed that she is part of the administration of the new President-elect of the United States: I am part of the Biden transition team and ... if President Biden or Vice President Harris asks me to do something in the field infectious diseases, I would gladly take a position and enjoy my lifetime of global experience in infectious diseases.

And to continue: "I think that now what I really want, as I enter my third year is to make myself useful and to be of service. »

His experience stems from his work in the field of AIDS research. On Thursday, he will also be awarded a prize for all of his action against AIDS. Dr. Fauci, the expert epidemiologist, will receive an award of excellence for his leadership in public health. I have worked with Dr Fauci for a very long time and we have worked on things other than COVID… He is an amazing human being. Her level of compassion, empathy and understanding, and I have to say endless patience, is beyond my comprehension, she said.

Sharon's own family has battled COVID-19. Her sister and brother-in-law contracted the disease. Sharon Stone said her sister, who suffers from lupus, is not yet out of it. She has what's called long-haul COVID, so she's having a very difficult recovery… I'm not sure if that hasn't affected her in a way that she may never fully recover.

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