Presidential election in France: Thomas Pesquet is not allowed to reveal his vote... but his statement speaks volumes

Eva Deschamps / April 13, 2022

The astronaut did not name the candidate who will have his vote in the second round of the presidential election in France. But his words leave little room for doubt.
Thomas Pesquet confided in Télématin that he knew for whom he voted in the second round of the presidential election, on April 24. The astronaut did not name the candidate. I'm not allowed to tell you, he told journalist Thomas Sotto, who was asking him about the subject. As an agent of the space agency, we have a duty of reserve.
Nevertheless, Thomas Pesquet made it clear that Emmanuel Macron, a convinced European, would get his vote. My conviction is made. We have European values of openness, not closure, he explained. A message without ambiguity, received 5/5 by his interlocutor Thomas Sotto.

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