It cost the same as my grandmother's house: Robbie Williams abandons his treatments and assumes his baldness

Eva Deschamps / August 7, 2022

For several years, Robbie Williams, 48 years old, has to face an important hair loss. Indeed, like 70% of men, Robbie Williams suffers from alopecia. A hair problem that he wanted to get rid of with several treatments, but now he fully assumes. In an interview with the BBC, the artist explained: I do not want to take any more drugs, because they depress me. I'm just going to have to accept the Robbie Williams losing his hair.
He has in the past considered a transplant, but was denied by doctors. The doctors don't want me to have the procedure, he says, they say my hair has become too thin. Robbie Williams therefore had to resolve to try several treatments to slow the loss of his hair, including a particularly expensive medication based on injections. I tried that treatment. It cost me a fortune for that stuff. It cost the same as my grandmother's house. So they prescribed these injections and told me that in five months my hair would grow back much thicker. But nothing happened.
Even if Robbie Williams decided to assume it, he recognizes that his baldness impacts his mental health. He therefore considers wearing a wig. I'm thinking of getting a toupee. There are great wigs you can get easily now. You just have to shave off all your hair, then you put it on with glue and it holds for a few weeks, he explained during his interview for the BBC. An option he would reserve for the stage. I could use these wigs for my tours. Besides, it was because of the stage that he clicked. When I'm on stage and I get a close-up, I look at them like I still think I'm 27. And then I turn around and I see a version of me [...] with three necks and there's a light shining on the top of my head that makes me look like a baby's ass.

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