Elon Musk reveals he has Asperger's syndrome

Sylvie Claire / May 9, 2021

As a guest on Saturday night's American satcom show SNL (Saturday Night Live), Elon Musk, the whimsical boss of Tesla and SpaceX, revealed he has Asperger's Syndrome (AS) and praised the cryptocurrency Dogecoin.

He boasted that he was the first person with the syndrome to be a guest on SNL. Or at least the first to admit it, he argued.

Look, I know I say or post strange things, but that's just the way my brain works, Elon Musk explained.

To all the people I may have offended I say: I reinvented the electric car and I'm sending people to the planet Mars on a rocket. You really think I'd be a relaxed, normal guy?.

AS is a form of autism. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder of genetic origin, characterized by significant difficulties in social interactions.

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