Celine Dion's state of health: we now know what disease the singer is suffering from

Sylvie Claire / February 7, 2022

Because rumors are rife about Celine Dion's health, it was time for those close to her to clarify the situation.
Indeed, for a few weeks, fans have been worried about the Quebec singer. After cancelling her last tour, Celine Dion appeared thin and tired on stolen photos, without any explanation given by the star or her team.
One of the people close to Celine Dion had recently indicated that Celine Dion was suffering from muscular spasms, without specifying which disease they were the consequences nor defining the origin of these evils.
It is this Monday, February 7 in the pages of Le Parisien that more concrete answers are finally given. In an article of our colleagues, we can read that Celine Dion does not suffer from cancer or Alzheimer's disease. Celine has long had a digestive problem, and it causes muscle spasms but also weight loss. On her, who is already not thick, it shows. Before specifying: This disease is not serious, it does not require an operation but requires a long medical treatment and a draconian diet.

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