Arnold Schwarzenegger involved in a spectacular accident in Los Angeles: his SUV ends its race BEYOND another car

Sylvie Claire / January 22, 2022

This Friday evening, the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, 74 years old, was involved in a serious car accident in Los Angeles. His black SUV collided with two cars before ending its race totally straddling one of them. According to local media, a woman was slightly injured while Arnold Schwarzenegger escaped almost unharmed, with only a minor head injury. Witnesses described the accident to TMZ, saying it looked like a scene from an action movie.
The spokesman for the actor said he had just left his home by car. According to the police, it was a red light that caused the accident, while the actor wanted to turn left on the famous Sunset Boulevard. Still according to the police, Arnold Schwarzenegger was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They added that his behavior was even exemplary because he was able to help the injured driver.
The actor's spokesman added that he feels relieved that the accident was not more serious. However, Arnold Schwarzenegger expressed concern for a woman who was taken to the hospital after the accident he caused.

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